Athlete Bio – Jodie Reynolds


Jo Reynolds 400lb deadlift

Jodie Reynolds
Weight Class
82.5 and 90kg
Where do you live?
Hurley, MS
Squat PR:
475 competition/525 gym
Bench PR:
260 competition/300 gym
Deadlift PR:
405 competition/400 gym
Years lifting?
How did you come to powerlifting or Olympic lifting?
I started out training for figure competition. I ended up powerlifting instead because my trainer saw my potential. I quickly moved up to multiply lifting. My goal was to end up at a world meet and I did.
Do you have any previous athletic or lifting experience?
I was a 5k and 10K runner in my early 30’s. I have also owned, ridden and shown horses for most of my life.
Do you compete? Why or why not? If you compete, what do you like most about the competitions?
I do compete with SPF and AAPF/APF/WPC. I love the training and the drive it takes to compete. I love the people and the atmosphere. I have slowed down a bit over the past year due to work and family. I really enjoy watching the kids on our powerlifting team train and compete.
Equipped or Raw?
Do you have a coach or trainer? In person or online? How did you find your trainer/program? Do you have any advice for women looking for a trainer?
I train in person with the Legendary Mississippi Monster, Joe Ladnier. I usually train with a team or with my lifting partner, a 71yr old world-record-holding gentleman. Our trainer knows us well and sets our training programs. he manages every phase of our training. I found my trainer by accident. He owned a very small gym in Hurley, MS. I thought it was odd to find a world-record-holding powerlifter in my little town. He took me on as a client and it went upwards from there.
Where do you train? Gym, garage?
We train at our trainer’s gym, Legendary Athletic Development. We have a room that is devoted to our equipment, training, and music. Not many people venture into the “power Pit”.
What is the hardest part about beginning lifting as an older woman?
Just doing it! Overcoming the common idea that we should be careful and not lift such heavy things. And we are not crazy. We GOT this.
How has lifting affected your health?
Even though some doctors harp on BMI, they cannot refute favorable test results, heart rate , mobility, and independence that lifting gives us. It has been a literal lifesaver as far as my mental health. I have overcome MDD and CPTSD. The positive effect it has had on my mental health has been profound.
What would you tell women just beginning this journey?
Find a good coach who understands what you want to accomplish.