Athlete Bio – Terry Corwin

Terry Corwin

Terry Corwin
Weight Class
59 kg
Where do you live?
Laguna Beach, CA
Squat PR:
125 pounds (unofficial)
Clean & Jerk PR:
95 pounds (unofficial)
Snatch PR:
68 pounds (unofficial)
Years lifting?
1 year
How did you come to powerlifting or Olympic lifting?
My husband is a 60+ World CrossFit Games athlete (placed 5th and 6th a few years ago). He suggested I would like CrossFit, and I did for two years. A year ago, my coach suggested I try Olympic lifting to get stronger for CrossFit but I only lift now because I love it so much.
Do you have any previous athletic or lifting experience?
My prior athletic experience was competitive “mom” tennis, and running – half marathons and one marathon.
Do you compete? Why or why not? If you compete, what do you like most about the competitions?
I have competed in two Olympic meets, one in January and one in February. My goal was to qualify for Masters Nationals in April, and I did! I compete so that I stay focused on improving and making measurable goals. I like the competitions because I can hang and cheer on my sisters in lifting!
Equipped or Raw?
Do you have a coach or trainer? In person or online? How did you find your trainer/program? Do you have any advice for women looking for a trainer?
I only train one-on-one with an awesome coach. Look for a trainer who knows the technical aspects of Olympic lifts.
Where do you train? Gym, garage?
I train at Left Coast CrossFit where they have lifting platforms.
What is the hardest part about beginning lifting as an older woman?
For me, it was getting my first coach to take me seriously. Also, some of my friends don’t understand and don’t seem to want to understand it. Thankfully, I do it for me. My current coach wanted me to gain 10 pounds, which was very difficult, but I did it.
How has lifting affected your health?
I have always been very healthy so this has only changed my body composition. My husband loves the way I look and how I feel.
What would you tell women just beginning this journey?
Don’t worry about how much weight you are lifting. The most important thing is to get your form correct from the start. Trust the process! I also like to watch videos from Hookgrip on Instagram to see how the pros do it.