Athlete Bio – Melissa “Mo” O’Keefe

Melissa O'Keefe Deadlift


Melissa “Mo” O’Keefe

Weight Class
Currently 75kg. Has changed every meet.
Where do you live?
Metro Detroit MI
Squat PR:
Meet: 231 lbs. gym: 260 lbs
Bench PR:
Meet: 104.5 lbs, gym: 140 lbs.
Deadlift PR:
Meet: 259 lbs. gym: 300 lbs
Years lifting?
How did you come to powerlifting or Olympic lifting?
I was working with a personal trainer and saw her compete once. I was HOOKED, and knew I wanted to do that too.
Do you have any previous athletic or lifting experience?
Never touched a barbell before turning 45.
Do you compete? Why or why not? If you compete, what do you like most about the competitions?
I have done 3 meets so far, and just registered for my 4th. I love the atmosphere, and seeing what I can do each time. Not every meet goes to plan, but each is a learning experience.
Equipped or Raw?
Raw, tested and untested.
Do you have a coach or trainer? In person or online? How did you find your trainer/program? Do you have any advice for women looking for a trainer?
I am one, and I have one. Even coaches need coaches. I work with mine mostly remote, though she is local to me so we do some in-person work also.
Where do you train? Gym, garage?
During Covid, I converted my living room into a gym. I used to also go to a commercial gym but stopped a year or so ago and now I do everything from my home.
What is the hardest part about beginning lifting as an older woman?
I didn’t find it hard at all. I started right out with a coach who took me seriously and understood the way my body works (classic hard gainer).
How has lifting affected your health?
My bone density has increased and my mental health is much better.
What would you tell women just beginning this journey?
Get a coach. Be patient. Trust the process.
Include your Instagram (optional)

Melissa O'Keefe

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