Athlete Bio – Patti Ray


Patti Ray
Weight Class
59-63 kg
Where do you live?
Washington state
Squat PR:
150# unofficial
Bench PR:
85# unofficial
Deadlift PR:
190# unofficial
Clean & Jerk PR:
36 kg official
Snatch PR:
24 kg official
Years lifting?
How did you come to powerlifting or Olympic lifting?
Through my personal trainer
Do you have any previous athletic or lifting experience?
Do you compete? Why or why not? If you compete, what do you like most about the competitions?
Yes, I compete. I work best when I have a target to aim for.
Equipped or Raw?
Do you have a coach or trainer? In person or online? How did you find your trainer/program? Do you have any advice for women looking for a trainer?
I still work with the same trainer I started with. Currently online.
Where do you train? Gym, garage?
Fortunate to have my own gym in my basement.
What is the hardest part about beginning lifting as an older woman?
Balancing work and recovery. Spent some time with an overuse injury to my shoulder, which caused a big setback. Happily back to lifting regularly.
How has lifting affected your health?
I have a lot more endurance, and overall strength than I had at ANY time in my life. (Non-athlete until my 59’s.)
What would you tell women just beginning this journey?
Jump in- you will surprise yourself!
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